Press release from 24.01.2024: Introducing the model railroad layouts for Faszination Modellbahn Mannheim 2024!

Gauge 2m (G): Amarillo Mountain Rail Road – USA layout
The newest addition to the LGB friends from the Lower Rhine is the Amarillo Mountain Rail Road (AMRR) segment layout! The installation shows motifs that were typical for us Europeans in the 1950s. In addition to Mount Rusmore and Red Rocks, you can also see the striking fire escapes of New York’s old town. The tracks allow the use of long trains with huge steam locomotives, such as the Bigboy!
Operator: LGB-Freunde Niederrhein, D-47057 Duisburg
System size: 24 x 5 meters
Gauge 2m (G): A French layout from the Netherlands
The French meter-gauge layout comes to Mannheim from the Netherlands and consists mainly of kits from French small-series manufacturers and home-made parts.
The system is controlled by a digital computer system! The landscaping, such as houses, trees etc. is based on the French model! The locomotives and railcars all have sounds, often even the original sound. There are also some steam locomotives on the layout! The 8-shaped meter gauge layout is new and has never been shown like this before!
Operator: The Training Dutchman, Netherlands-2036 HD Haarlem
System size: 11 x 4 m
Track 2: GDR Reichsbahn layout around 1965 (first presentation)
The theme of the layout is the German Reichsbahn in Central Germany in the 1960s and is being presented to a wide audience for the first time!
Everything on the 2-gauge layout is self-built, from the oak sleepers of the tracks to the threshing wheel, buildings and much more! The locomotives are also home-made and all unique. You drive with real steam. There are also battery-powered locomotives and railcars, which are also built in-house.
The water tower, which is well worth seeing, took 6 months to build and is a replica of the Salzwedel water tower with a height of almost 90 cm.
And even on a small scale, attempts were made to recreate original things.
For example, based on a commercially available bus, it was completely reworked, repainted and lettered so that it became a Russian military bus with lighting.
Operator: Tobias Mey, 76530 Baden-Baden
System size: 11 x 6.5 meters
Track I: Model Railway Team Track 1 Hannover
The basic shape of the plant is a triangle. It was supplemented by a bulge with a reversing loop. Approx. 150 m of track, 1 turntable, 1 crossing point and 25 switches are installed. The minimum radius is 1650 mm, with the entrance of the curves larger than 2000 mm. The layout represents a through station on a double track line in northern Germany. On the layout it is not only possible to run in a circle, but also a shuttle service from the station to the depot is possible. The reversing loop makes it possible to drive directly from the depot back to the depot via the plant. The landscape is rural in character and is still constantly being supplemented with new ideas. Care was taken to ensure that details (e.g. a stream with a small lake) liven up the overall impression without making the facility look cluttered. At the hairpin bend there is a small farm. We run digital with Motorola and DCC protocol. The vehicles from the manufacturers Märklin, Hübner, Kiss, Benecken and KM1 are privately owned.
Operator: Modellbahn Team Spur 1 Hannover, D-30853 Langenhagen
Plant size: 23 x 12 m
Track 1: Tinplate toys from Nuremberg 100 years ago
The Friends of the Freinsheim/Pfalz Toy Museum (Bing Museum) present a rare 1-gauge layout from the years 1900-1928. The models are mainly from Bing and Bub.
The layout impresses with its large suspension bridge with a length of 2.2 m and 2 circles with long trains! Some trains run with real steam. Streetcars and rack railroads are shown inside! Many technical gadgets can be triggered by visitors with buttons, such as the level crossing, the guard coming out of the house, the dispatcher raising the flag, etc.
There is also a roller coaster and funfair models on display, all in operation, some powered by Sterling motors.
Another highlight is a train depot with a turntable! The presentation is decorated with historical trees, bushes and tinplate buildings
Operator: Freinsheim Toy Museum, 67251 Freinsheim
System size: 11 x 2.5 m
Gauge 0: A lot of driving on this layout
On an area of 36 m² Claudius Schüle from Karlsruhe shows his gauge 0 layout. Nostalgia fans will get their money’s worth with this Tinplate layout. Märklin, Bing, Lionel and various other manufacturers from 1935 to 1953 can be found on this layout, which has numerous sidings. Unlike two-lane plants, the plant fills the entire area. A lot of driving is guaranteed on this layout!
Here, visitors can also have a go at running their own 0-gauge models on the nostalgic tracks. So the models of the visitors are also in the spotlight! Locomotives can run in 3 wire AC or DC Märklin style, so no steam vehicles. Clockwork locomotives are also welcome.
Operator: Nostalgie Spur 0 Karlsruhe, D-76199 Karlsruhe
Plant size: 10 x 3 m
Track 0: Varied train operation with train and wagon changes
The layout and the rolling stock are mainly from Era III. Seven trains can be run. Two trains can run independently of each other at the same time. The others are in the passing sidings at the station and on the opposite side. Locomotives and wagons are also available in the stabling area of the BW. Extensive shunting can be carried out there. This makes varied train operation with train and carriage changes possible. Most of the buildings are self-built with lighting and some have interior fittings.
Operator: Eisenbahnfreunde Weinheim e.V., 69469 Weinheim
System size: 13 x 6 m
S gauge: The S gauge from Hagen von Ortloff
The S gauge with a scale of 1:64 and a track width of 22.5 mm corresponds to about half the size of the 1 gauge. This model railway size was produced in the Federal Republic of Germany for a decade after the Second World War and a few years later in the GDR.
It was an attempt to introduce a size smaller than 0 gauge. In 1948, the traditional Nuremberg-based company BUB began manufacturing the S size. As the H0 scale began its rapid triumph in Germany at almost the same time, BUB and the S gauge were bound to fail.
The “Volkseigene Betrieb Metallwarenfabrik Stadtilm” presented the S gauge at the Leipzig Trade Fair in 1956. Scale 1:60.
In addition to the GDR, it was also sold in other western countries.
The S gauge did inherit the 0 gauge in the GDR, but without long-term success. Production of the S gauge was discontinued in 1964.
The S gauge was therefore a brief but unfortunately unsuccessful episode in German model railroad history.
This size was invented at the end of the 1930s in the USA and is still produced there today.
As far as embellishing our playing system is concerned, we are “scale-free”. We have many sheet metal buildings in use, some 0-gauge, some smaller, miniature buildings made of wood, plastic and cardboard in a wide variety of designs and from different eras. It is important that the look is right, because the recognition value is very important to us and for us. We are delighted when a grandfather says to his grandson: “Look, I used to play with a train like that when I was little, and there were little houses like that on the layout”.
It’s wonderful when the emotions are awakened and the playful joy returns.
Operator: Mr. Hagen vorn Ortloff, D-71394 Kernen
System size: 8 x 4.5 m
H0 gauge: WÃœP – Weschnitztal-Ãœberwaldbahn project
The WÃœP, Weschnitztal-Ãœberwaldbahn-Projekt is an association of various model railroaders from the Frankfurt-Mannheim-Heidelberg area, who have reproduced the corresponding railroad line from Weinheim to the Odenwald in essential points.
The most characteristic operating points, such as stations, engineering structures and other distinctive points, have been reconstructed essentially authentically according to original documents and are being made accessible to the public for the first time in their geographical order. At Mörlenbach station, the line splits into the two named branches, true to the prototype.
The construction and the idea for it were presented in twelve episodes in 2023 in the leading trade magazine MIBA on the occasion of its 75th anniversary. The replicas can now be admired live for only the second time at Faszination Modellbahn Mannheim. The group around Horst Meier and Bernhard Brieger let the most significant train sets run in the model as well.
Experience, among other things, rattling rail buses, the Sarrassani circus train, wooden trains for the Coronet lumber mill or the ballast trains from Fürth and marvel at the realistically implemented environment.
Operator: WÃœP – Weschnitztal-Ãœberwaldbahn-Projekt, D-63110 Rodgau
System size: 25 x 6.2 m
Track H0: Kirchberg / Baden
The segment layout is set in Era III / early IV, without prototype. The focus is on the 7-track through station with the large depot with two turntables, the two round engine sheds and the seven-stall rectangular engine shed. A small local goods facility completes the ensemble of railroad facilities. Steam and diesel locomotives and trains typical of the era are used.
Operator: MEC Werkstatt 87, 76297 Stutensee
System size: 21 x 6 m
H0 gauge: Saarland impressions
With the plant, a perfect image of their Saarland home was created. A double-track main line runs through rolling green hills, past half-timbered houses and vineyards. It was created over many years of painstaking work one of 2173 handmade vines. A country road also winds through the area. The focus is on vehicles that have been familiar for decades, from the ocean-blue and beige 216 to the old sheet-metal Rheingold cars. Up to 9 trains can run on the layout. The operational center is the five-track through station at St. Wendel (Saar). It is the starting point of a double-track main line. The romantic landscape is interrupted by industrial plants and shopping malls, just like the original. In the industrial area, sidings ensure busy shunting operations.
Operator: Modellbahnfreunde Bliesen e.V., D-66606 St. Wendel
Plant size: 6 x 3 m
H0 gauge: Triorama MSCOB
This H0 single-track landscape layout is a museum line. Steam or diesel vehicles are used here. The line crosses a hilly landscape and has a small station. A narrow-gauge railroad runs through the village. A narrow-gauge train can be loaded in the marl pit on the right-hand side of the layout. A station with engine shed can be seen on the left. The village is bordered on the right by an imposing arched bridge. In the middle part you can see a landscape conservation area with a river and bridge.
Operator: Modelspoorclub Oost Brabant, Netherlands-5701 JS Helmond
System size: 4.5 x 3 m
Gauge H0m: Hasselfelde station
The theme of the model railroad layout is the Hasselfelde station of the Selketalbahn in full length around 1990. Around this time there was still freight traffic as in GDR times, but there was also a modernization towards the HSB time.
The tracks are self-made with material from Hobby Ecke Schummacher. The electrical part was kept as simple as possible due to the fact that it is an exhibition system. Changeover motors are from MTB- MP5.
All the buildings are self-built, with the exception of the station building, which is a cardboard kit from Walfried Fehse, MaKaMo. Although reinforced to be even more stable.
Decoration complemented by products and models from Weinert, MBR, Martin Welberg, Kluba, Icar and Mirco Miners. The locomotives are all self-built from the Weinert series and equipped with Zimo sound decoders. The passenger cars and freight cars are also Weinert cars and some are Tillig cars. Also brass freight cars from Lok-Schlosserei and Melzer Modellbau. Control is via GSM and built-in tablets using the Roco Z21 system.
Operator: Modelspoorclub Pacific, Belgium-8890 Moorslede
System size: 6 x 3 m1
H0 gauge: IG Branch line H0
The model railroad project “Nebenbahn H0” is a community of interest whose members from the Rhine-Neckar region build their private layouts in such a way that they can be shown and operated together at exhibitions.
The “Wolfwald” layout shows a village station away from the settlement with sparse passenger traffic. Logs are mainly loaded on the loading line. A functional model with two round silos enables wagons to be loaded with real stone ballast. The scenery is rounded off by a level crossing, a sheet metal girder bridge and two tunnel entrances.
“Rückenweiler” is set in the surroundings of a suburb, which is indicated by a block of flats. In addition to the open loading ramp, the entrance to the freight forwarder’s hall can also be used for shunting operations. The hillside location requires retaining walls and inclines. On one side a tunnel closes off the system, on the other a road underpass. This system is currently still under construction.
Two seven-track stabling yards are available for varied operation, where the locomotives are moved using a transfer table.
Operator: IG Nebenbahn-H0, Rhine-Neckar region,
System size: 12.4 x 0.5 m
H0 gauge: Berkeldam model railroad layout
The Berkeldam model railroad layout shows a not really Dutch town around 1960. The town is located at the mouth of the river Berkel with (then still) poor connections to the hinterland.
The local railroad is therefore still there and provides freight transport to the port, which is the link to several islands in Oosterzee in Friesland.
In the meantime, the steam locomotives have been (almost completely) replaced and modernization is on the horizon.
This model railroad is a fantasy, but it really could have been like this. Around 1960, such railroads were still present in various places in the Netherlands, but shortly afterwards they all gradually disappeared.
Operator: Paul Roodbol, NL – 7242 KE Lochem
System size: 3.5 x 0.6 m
TT gauge: Mehlingen
The Mehlingen modular layout is a replica of the branch line operation of the Deutsche Reichsbahn in the eighties. In terms of landscape, the modules are located in the north of the former GDR. A flat landscape broken up by hills, bodies of water and agricultural land with extensive buildings characterizes the overall appearance of the model railway layout.
Railroad buildings in the predominantly Prussian architectural style, as well as typical GDR buildings, can be found on the site, as can buildings that have been left to decay.
The vehicles used are models of all DR diesel locomotive and diesel railcar series. Before special trains, a steam locomotive may also be seen on the layout.
Operator: Modelleisenbahn u. Eisenbahnfreunde Halle-Stadtmitte, D-06122 Halle
System size: 10.6 x 1.5 m
N gauge: Alzey station
The heart of the layout is the replica of Alzey station with 10 tracks and a total length of approx. 5.5 m, based on original Deutsche Bahn track plans, as the station was built in the 1980s.
Other modules were based on our home region of Rheinhessen and its surroundings. In one place or another, you will find the objects as you know them from the original. Another highlight are the many lighting effects. On some modules you can see moving buses, cars and trucks. Some modules are equipped with push-button actions that visitors like to press.
Operator: N-Bahn Freunde Worms e.V., 67547 Worms
Plant size: 12 x 6 m
N gauge: Views from Lower Lusatia
The motifs of the modules and end segments are buildings and views that were historically documented in the Senftenberg lignite mining area during the lignite era, some of which no longer exist or were added in the post-coal era. The basis of the operation is a double-track line, which on one end segment ends in a double-track, counter-rotating loop with a possible station stop and on the other end segment in a 5-track loop with train changing functions. Numerous visitor-activated animations are integrated into many parts of the system.
The trains are usually double-decker or multiple-unit trains. Vehicles from different eras are presented here. Buildings, roads and trains are illuminated with LEDs, in older parts with light bulbs.
Operator: Mr. Wulff Prein, Germany-01983 Großräschen
System size: 6.5 x 4 m
Z gauge: Small railroad big time
During Faszination Modellbahn Mannheim, Z-Freunde International will be presenting several interesting modular layouts and dioramas.
The Z-gauge participants show the following showpieces on a scale of 1 to 220:
Manfred Forst and Gerhard Maurer
Coal box: Model in Hunt’s large coal plant
Autobox: City diorama with cars driving as if by magic, themed layout replica from 1925
Michael Bernhard
New 50th anniversary miniclub facility, Dead End City and Nugget Gulch (2 American landscapes)
Ingo Sindermann
Dwarf geriatric facility, especially for the younger generation
Gotthard Schmidt
Z Nostalgic layout depicting the 80s of the last century
Torsten and Günter Schubert
Dioramas of fairground trucks and cars, as well as small scenes equipped with lots of LEDs, and soldering demonstrations of the same
Thomas Heß
updated digital system that represents today’s digital possibilities
Claudius Veit and Andrea
modernized and updated chemical plant
Uli Günther and Manfred Phillip
Shunting layout with public participation and model castles
Oliver Kessler with Leonhard
self-driving buses and trucks, now with automatic stops
Roland Kimmich and Christine Specht
Display case, dioramas and nostalgic Z-modules
Radolfszell Z – Stammtisch
Lovingly and with great skill designed “Brettchen” picture frames
Other exhibitors
Track system for “long trains” from Märklin Large display case for exhibits
Operator: Z-Freunde International, D-56856 Zell
Plant size: 12 x 6 m
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